School Nursing - Croydon

The school health team consists of Specialist Community Public Health Nurses (SCPHN), Staff Nurses and School Nurse Assistants. The team offers services throughout the year, including school holidays.


You can text the team about anything: Healthy lifestyle advice, exam stress, sexual health, body image concerns or if you feel depressed, anxious or worried about anything.

The Croydon School Health service has introduced ChatHealth, a confidential texting service for young people aged 11-19 years.

If you are worried or concerned about a health issue and need advice, text the

ChatHealth service on: 07520 615205

The number is monitored by the School Health Service, Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 4.30pm.

You will receive an automatic message from the service so that you know we have received your text and the team will respond as quickly as they can.

Telephone number

020 8274 6391